AIPP and IWGIA appealed to Dr. Yunus to take urgent action on violent attack on Indigenous students

IPNEWS DESK (International): Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP), Thailand and the International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), Denmark with the endorsement of 103 organizations and 256 individuals from 34 countries of the world have sent a letter expressing the concern about the human rights situation in Bangladesh and urgent appeal to the Honourable Chief Adviser Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Interim Government of Bangladesh on Friday (31 January), to take urgent action on the recent violent attacks on Indigenous students and bring all perpetrators to justice.
It is notable that the violent attack was carried out against Indigenous students and rights activists during their peaceful protest in front of the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) office in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on 15 January 2025. At least 19 persons were severely injured in this attack allegedly carried out by the members of “Students for Sovereignty”, a communal organization that opposed the inclusion of the term “Adivasi” in a school textbook.
The letter was sent through email on Friday (31 January) morning to the Chief Adviser of Bangladesh Interim Government and copied on it by his secretary, press secretary, Honourable Adviser on Home Affairs, Adviser on Education, etc.
The letter stated, “We, the undersigned organisations and individuals, would like to bring to your attention, our concern on the recent violent attacks on the Indigenous student protestors during a peaceful protest in relation to the removal of an artwork from the back of a school textbook with the word “Adivasi” (Indigenous). The inclusion and recognition of Indigenous Peoples in the school textbook was an outcome of the movement led by Indigenous Peoples of Bangladesh and a step applauded by many. We condemn the violent attacks on Indigenous protestors and urge for prompt justice for the victims and the restoration of the artwork in the textbook.”
The letter further added, “Bangladesh is a signatory to and has ratified several international human rights instruments. The country has yet to ratify the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), but it ratified the Indigenous and Tribal Populations Convention, 1957 of the ILO (C- 107) in 1972. Bangladesh has an obligation to respect the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) 2007 as a Member State of the United Nations. Similarly, Bangladesh is a party to various UN and other multilateral institutions, whereby the policies on Indigenous Peoples of these institutions apply to the country.”
The letter therefore urges interim government to:
• Take prompt action to arrest all perpetrators involved in the attacks on Indigenous students and activists following and initiate impartial investigation to bring all perpetrators to justice.
• Arrange for free medical treatment and compensation to those injured in the attacks on the incidents that happened on 15th and 16th January and ensure the security of all indigenous protesters and their families and supporters.
• Reinstate the artwork with the word “Adivasi” in the textbook and take appropriate steps to properly represent indigenous communities’ cultures, traditional values and history to the new generation with respect.
• Recognize Indigenous Peoples in the constitution and recognize their individual and collective rights, including their right to self-determination and Free Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). Formulate an Indigenous Peoples Rights Act in light of international human rights standards.
• Declare a road map with a clear timeframe for speedy, proper and full implementation of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Accord of 1997.
• Ratify ILO Convention No. 169 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of 1989 and endorse the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
• Ensure meaningful and effective engagement of Indigenous Peoples before formulating, reforming, or repealing of any laws and policies concerning their rights and wellbeing.