Memorandum to CHTA Adviser by CHT citizens

A memorandum has been submitted to the Adviser, Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) Affairs by the Jumma civil society of CHT with demands to restructure local institutions, nominate interim representatives, reform laws and policies and to adopt necessary administrative measures in consultation with civil society of the CHT, traditional institutions, representatives of students, youth & other rights-holders.
The memorandum was signed by 15 distinguished citizens of CHT on 18 August 2024. The citizens were as follows: Raja Devasish Roy, Circle Chief, Chakma Circle; Goutam Dewan, President, CHT Citizens’ Committee (CHTCC); Prof. Mong Sanoo Chowdhury, Educationist & Member, CHTCC; Nirupa Dewan, Former Member, National Human Rights Commission, Bangladesh; Banchita Chakma, Former Member, National Human Rights Commission, Bangladesh; Sudatta Bikash Tanchangya, General Secretary, Movement for the Protection of Forest and Land Rights in the CHT; Shanti Bijoy Chakma, General Secretary, CHT Headmen’s Network; Advocate Susmita Chakma, Central Coordinator, Women’s Resource Network; Zuam Lian Amlai, President, Movement for the Protection of Forest & Land Rights, Bandarban; Advocate Madhabi Marma, Executive Member, Women’s Resource Network, Bandarban; Dr. Sudhin Kumar Chakma, Adviser, Aware Citizens’ Committee, Khagrachari Hill District; Thowai Cha Prue Master, Former Chairman, Bandarban Hill District Council; Dinendra Tripura, General Secretary, CHT Citizens’ Committee, Bandarban Chapter; Ashok Kumar Chakma, Executive Director, Moanoghar Children’s Home, Rangamati; Swadesh Priti Chakma, Headman & General Secretary, CHT Headmen’s Network, Khagrachari Hill District.
The memorandum says, ‘In the aftermath of the student-public mass uprising, which is imbibed with the ideals of a new and discrimination-free Bangladesh, we wish to be a part of the new journey being embarked upon by the recently-constituted Interim Government…’
The memorandum includes the following demands:
1. To undertake measures on the following matters on the basis of dialogues with, and the consent of, the representatives of indigenous students, youth and civil society:
(a) Appointment of chairperson of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Board;
(b) Appointment of chairperson of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Task Force on Rehabilitation of India-Returned Tribal Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons;
(c) Appointment of chairpersons and members of the Interim Hill District Councils.
2. To take necessary measures to keep in abeyance, until coming forth of an elected government, the two Civil Review Petitions on the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regulation, 1900 (Civil Review Petitions No. 54/2018 and 192/2018), and the Civil Appeal on the CHT Accord, 1997, the CHT Regional Council Act, 1998 and the Hill District Council (Amendment) Acts, 1998 (Civil Appeal No. 95/2011) pending before the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.
3. To render effective the Chittagong Hill Tracts Land Disputes Resolution Commission, including through the promulgation of Rules and the taking of other necessary measures.
4. To ensure the interim and final rehabilitation of the recognized and un-recognized India-returned Jumma Refugees and the Internally Displaced Hillpersons (IDPs) by the CHT Task Force on India-Returned Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons through the amendment of the mandate of the Task Force.
5. To arrange dialogues between indigenous students, youth and civil society and the Advisers of the Interim Government and others at policy-making levels with the aim of bringing about constitutional recognition of the identity and rights of the indigenous peoples, and to take other legal and administrative measures, in accordance with international human rights laws and standards.